Insurance Law Blog

How to Choose an Insurance Claim Attorney to Help With Denied Insurance Claims

How to Choose an Insurance Claim Attorney to Help With Denied Insurance Claims

November 01, 20233 min read

The Importance of Choosing the Right Insurance Claim Attorney

An insurance claim attorney is a professional who knows how to handle disputes with insurance companies over denied insurance claims. They can help you get the compensation that you are entitled to, and make sure that you get the best possible result.

Unfortunately, insurance companies do not always honor the promises they make to their policyholders. In these cases, it’s best to hire a knowledgeable and experienced insurance claim attorney to help. The right attorney can help you navigate the legal system and make sure that you get the money you deserve.

Choosing the right insurance claim attorney can make a difference in the outcome of your case. If you’re not familiar with the legal system or if you don’t have a good understanding of the specific subject matter, then you may want to consider hiring an experienced insurance claim attorney to handle your case.

Here are 6 things to consider when choosing an insurance claim attorney:

1. Understanding of Your Situation

The most important thing to look for in an insurance claim attorney is someone who can understand your particular situation. An experienced attorney will be able to understand the specific details of your case and provide you with the best advice. They should also be able to clarify any legal jargon that might be confusing for you.

2. Experience in Your Specific Type of Claim

When looking for an insurance claim attorney, make sure that they have experience in the specific type of claim you are filing. This will ensure that they have a good understanding of the laws and regulations regarding your particular type of claim. They need to know the intricate details of filing a claim, as well as have experience with the particular insurance company you’re dealing with.

3. Track Record of Past Successes

An experienced attorney should be able to provide you with a track record of their past successes. Ask for examples of cases that they have successfully handled and the results that they achieved. This will give you a better idea of the kind of advice they could provide in your particular situation.

4. Free Consultation

When looking for an insurance claim attorney, make sure to ask if a free consultation is available. This will allow you to get to know the attorney and the type of service they provide better before you commit to hiring them. During the consultation, be sure to ask any questions you may have about your particular situation.

5. Professionalism and Reputation

It’s important to assess the attorney’s professionalism and reputation before hiring them. Ask other people who’ve used the attorney’s services in the past if they were satisfied with the outcome and the attorney’s professionalism. Do research online to see if there are any reviews or testimonials about the attorney as well.

6. Communication

It’s important to hire an attorney who is very communicative. You need to be able to get in touch with them quickly to get updates on the progress of your case. Be sure to ask if they have any specific policies regarding communication such as by phone, email or physical mail.


Choosing the right insurance claim attorney is an important decision. Make sure to assess the attorney’s experience, track record, free consultation, professionalism and reputation, and communication capabilities. Once you’ve found an attorney that meets all of these criteria, you can be assured that you’ll get the best possible service and results in your claim.

If you’re looking for an experienced Florida insurance claim attorney, contact Fosky Law. Our experienced attorneys can help answer any questions you may have and guide you through the entire claims process.

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