Insurance Law Blog

How to Prepare for a Meeting With an Insurance Claim Attorney for a Denied Claim

How to Prepare for a Meeting With an Insurance Claim Attorney for a Denied Claim

November 15, 20234 min read

8 Steps to Prepare for a Meeting With an Insurance Claims Attorney for a Denied Claim

If you have been denied an insurance claim, you may find yourself considering options that include retaining a lawyer. It can be especially difficult to prepare for a meeting with a Florida insurance claim attorney if you do not have experience with such proceedings. To help you navigate this process, Fosky Law has outlined eight key steps you should take to prepare for a meeting with a lawyer to discuss a denied insurance claim.

Step 1: Understand Your Claim and the Reason for Denial

The first step in preparing for a meeting with a lawyer is to understand your claim and the reasons it has been denied. It is important to have a clear and thorough understanding of both the reason for filing the claim and the reason for the denial. Research your particular situation to confirm the details of the claim, including the date it was filed, any incidents or events that led up to filing the claim, and the value of the claim. Document whether the denial was issued in writing, and if so, the date and any reasons issued for the denial.

Step 2: Make Copies of All Documents Related to Your Claim

Once you understand the basics of your claim, it is important to gather all relevant documents related to the claim and make copies to bring to your meeting. The documents you should bring include: your policy documents, statements or correspondence from the insurance company, legal documents associated with the claim, photographs, medical records, and a summary of the claim and its events.

Step 3: Select an Attorney With Specialization in Insurance Claims Law

When it comes to selecting a lawyer to represent your denied insurance claim, it is important to find one with specific knowledge and experience in insurance claims law. In particular, investigate a lawyer’s experience with cases involving similar industries, states, or the specific type of claim you need assistance with. Prepare a handful of questions to ask a prospective lawyer such as:

- How many years of experience do you have with insurance claims?

- Do you have specialized experience with my type of case?

- Are there any successful cases you have tried recently in which you won?

Step 4: Outline Your Goals and Timeline

When you meet with your chosen lawyer to discuss a denied insurance claim, it is important to formulate an understanding of what you want to achieve and a timeline for those goals. Even if you disagree with the insurer’s decision to deny your claim, it is possible that both parties can still reach a mutually beneficial agreement. As a starting point, ask yourself if you are looking for a settlement, an arbitration, or a litigated solution in court.

Step 5: Research the Settlement Process

Before meeting with your lawyer, it is important to familiarize yourself with the settlement process in case this is the route chosen by you and your attorney. Insurance companies usually prepare initial settlement offers which serve as the opening for negotiation. This is why it is important to have a good understanding of the components of a settlement, such as the proposed amount, interest involved, and policy limits.

Step 6: Understand When You Have Legal Standing

You should also be aware of when you have the legal standing to fight a denied claim. This can vary by case, but is usually triggered when you feel like you have been wrongfully denied a claim, and when any contractual obligation your policy has with the insurance company has been violated.

Step 7: Understand Relevant Laws in Your State

It is important to understand the relevant laws in your state when fighting a denied insurance claim. Familiarize yourself with insurance and statute of limitations law to help bolster a case. Your attorney can assist you in researching all aspects of the law and how it may be applied to your claim.

Step 8: Gather Evidence to Prove Your Case

In many cases, preparing a successful claim can depend on the ability to provide clear evidence of your case. All records, documents, and written material that can be used to bolster your claim should be gathered ahead of your meeting with your attorney. The evidence should not be limited to documents, either -- your testimony, testimonies of witnesses, accident reports, any opinions on the matter, or any other form of support should also be noted.

Preparing for a meeting with a lawyer to discuss a denied insurance claim should not be taken lightly. By taking the steps outlined above, you will be able to review your claim, understand the legalities involved, and be fully prepared with the evidence needed to support your case.

Fosky Law specializes in the representation of clients who have been wrongfully denied insurance claims. Our attorneys are well versed in Florida insurance laws and the settlement process. If you are looking for a Florida Insurance Attorney, contact Fosky Law today to get started.

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