Insurance Law Blog

What to Look for in an Attorney to Help with a Denied Insurance Claim

What to Look for in an Attorney to Help with a Denied Insurance Claim

October 25, 20233 min read

5 Things to Look For in an Attorney to Help with a Denied Insurance Claim

Do you feel like your insurance company is not offering you the coverage you were promised and has wrongfully denied your insurance claim? A Florida insurance attorney can help you understand why your claim was denied and provide you with the advice and representation you need to fight for the coverage you deserve. Here are the main things you should take into account when looking for an insurance attorney.

Experience and Track Record

It is important to find an attorney with experience and a good track record. An experienced insurance attorney will be able to evaluate your claim quickly and understand the nuances of issues involving insurance and coverage. They also have knowledge of the laws applicable in the state of Florida that can help you better understand your rights.

A good track record is also critical. Ask an insurance attorney about their past cases and look into their successes. How many cases have they won? How many have they lost? How many cases have they handled in the past? All of this information can help you gauge how successful they can be in your case.

Ability to Communicate

When it comes to insurance disputes, clear and accurate communications are key. This can be between you and the lawyers, between the lawyers and the insurance company or even between the lawyers and the court. Make sure you find an attorney who is able to communicate effectively and clearly on your behalf.

Professionalism and Reliability

When choosing an insurance attorney, look for someone who is professional and reliable. A reliable attorney is one who will work hard to get you the best possible outcome and won’t waste your time. They should always return emails and phone call in a timely manner and be courteous during the process.

Honest Assessment of Your Claim

An honest assessment of your claim is extremely important. You want an attorney who can provide an honest assessment of your claim, laying out the potential risks and rewards of taking the case. This should be viewed as an opportunity to further educate yourself on your claim.

Ability to Strategize and Fight for Your Rights

The right attorney is one who is able to strategize and fight for your rights. They should have the skills and experience to work with the insurance company to compromise on a settlement or to represent you in court if necessary. No matter which way it goes, the attorney should be there to work with you and fight for your rights.

Taking these factors into consideration when looking for an insurance attorney can help you find the best one for you. Having an experienced, reliable attorney who is able to assess and strategize for your claim can mean the difference between receiving the coverage you were promised and being stuck in a legal battle.

If you are looking for a qualified and experienced Florida insurance attorney, contact Fosky Law today. Our experienced legal team will work with you to ensure your best interests are represented and you receive the coverage you are entitled to.

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